Jose Delgado

Project Manager


Jose has been managing projects in power plants since 2007, when he was in charge for the first time of an inspection team in Trillo Nuclear Power Plant. After that, Jose has continued to manage projects in Spanish stations, as well as other projects in other countries of Europe and the Americas. The experience gained as project manager in the nuclear sector has opened the door to other industries requiring high standards and levels of quality, as well as strict budgetary control and transparency.

In the various sectors where we operate, we see as an essential part of our work the need to contribute to process optimization. By working in multiple sectors, we are capable of getting new ideas from a variety of sources, developing a cross-functional business approach and learning from interesting individuals across the spectrum.


Managing partner and Project Manager, McSwell Communication Services
2007 - Present
Project Management, various inspection services in Nuclear Power Plants
Master’s of Translation and Interpretation Degree University of Murcia
English and Language Support Instructor, Shamrock, Murcia, Spain
In-house language services, Trillo and Almaraz Nuclear Power Plants, Guadalajara/ Cáceres, Spain
Post-graduate Social Pedagogy Degree University of Murcia, Faculty of Education / Social Studies, Edinburgh, Scotland (1996)
Undergraduate English Philology Degree, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain

Contact Info

Phone : (34) 629 725 791
Email :